

<Modal id modalContent isOpenStateInParent onClose modalClassName modalBackgroundClassName addCloseButton closeButtonClassName closeButtonText />


Modal component that can be opened and closed by clicking outside of the modal or the close button.

Name Type Required Description Default
id string Yes The id of the modal.
modalContent node Yes The content of the modal.
isOpenStateInParent bool Yes A boolean that determines whether or not the modal is open.
onClose func Yes A function that is called when the modal is closed.
modalClassName string No The class name of the modal. "modal"
modalBackgroundClassName string No The class name of the modal background. "modal-background"
addCloseButton bool No Determines whether or not to add a close button to the modal. true
closeButtonClassName string No The class name of the close button. "close-modal"
closeButtonText node No The text of the close button. "Close"

View Source components/Modal/index.jsx, line 17

  • The modal component.