

<DatePicker id label value onChange onFocus onBlurFunction yearsBackNumber yearsForwardNumber separator dateFormat firstDayOfTheWeek previousButtonText nextButtonText todayButtonText labelClassName formatDateClassName dateClassName headerClassName datePickerInputWrapperClassName datePickerWrapperClassName datePickerClassName datePickerNavWrapperClassName datePickerPreviousButtonClassName datePickerTodayButtonClassName datePickerNextButtonClassName datePickerMonthDropdownWrapperClassName datePickerYearDropdownWrapperClassName calendarWrapperClassName calendarTableClassName calendarHeaderClassName calendarHeaderTrClassName calendarHeaderThClassName calendarBodyClassName calendarBodyTrClassName calendarBodyTdClassName calendarForbiddenClassName calendarOtherMonthClassName calendarTodayClassName calendarSelectedClassName monthDropdownLabel monthListLabel monthShowListLabel monthDropdownLabelClassName monthDropdownWrapperClassName monthDropdownButtonClassName monthDropdownIconClassName monthDropdownListWrapperClassName monthDropdownOptionClassName monthDropdownOptionSelectedClassName monthDropdownListClassName monthDropdownListLabelClassName monthDropdownInputClassName yearDropdownLabel yearListLabel yearShowListLabel yearDropdownLabelClassName yearDropdownWrapperClassName yearDropdownButtonClassName yearDropdownIconClassName yearDropdownListWrapperClassName yearDropdownOptionClassName yearDropdownOptionSelectedClassName yearDropdownListClassName yearDropdownListLabelClassName yearDropdownInputClassName error maxLength required requiredFeedbackEnabled requiredFeedback inputClassName inputWrapperClassName activeClassName invalidClassName errorClassName requiredFeedbackClassName />


# <DatePicker id label value onChange onFocus onBlurFunction yearsBackNumber yearsForwardNumber separator dateFormat firstDayOfTheWeek previousButtonText nextButtonText todayButtonText labelClassName formatDateClassName dateClassName headerClassName datePickerInputWrapperClassName datePickerWrapperClassName datePickerClassName datePickerNavWrapperClassName datePickerPreviousButtonClassName datePickerTodayButtonClassName datePickerNextButtonClassName datePickerMonthDropdownWrapperClassName datePickerYearDropdownWrapperClassName calendarWrapperClassName calendarTableClassName calendarHeaderClassName calendarHeaderTrClassName calendarHeaderThClassName calendarBodyClassName calendarBodyTrClassName calendarBodyTdClassName calendarForbiddenClassName calendarOtherMonthClassName calendarTodayClassName calendarSelectedClassName monthDropdownLabel monthListLabel monthShowListLabel monthDropdownLabelClassName monthDropdownWrapperClassName monthDropdownButtonClassName monthDropdownIconClassName monthDropdownListWrapperClassName monthDropdownOptionClassName monthDropdownOptionSelectedClassName monthDropdownListClassName monthDropdownListLabelClassName monthDropdownInputClassName yearDropdownLabel yearListLabel yearShowListLabel yearDropdownLabelClassName yearDropdownWrapperClassName yearDropdownButtonClassName yearDropdownIconClassName yearDropdownListWrapperClassName yearDropdownOptionClassName yearDropdownOptionSelectedClassName yearDropdownListClassName yearDropdownListLabelClassName yearDropdownInputClassName error maxLength required requiredFeedbackEnabled requiredFeedback inputClassName inputWrapperClassName activeClassName invalidClassName errorClassName requiredFeedbackClassName />

A date picker that allows the user to select a date. The date picker is a modal that contains a calendar. The calendar is open if the input is focused and closed if the user clicks outside of the date picker. The user can select a date by clicking on a day of the calendar or by typing in the input. If the user enters something that is not a valid date, the today's date will be selected. The calendar can start a Sunday or Monday, and can be in MMDDYYYY or DDMMYYYY format. The separator can be customized, by default it is a "/". The year and month shown in the calendar can be selected with dropdowns. There are also arrow buttons to navigate through the months. A range of years can be customized, by default it is from 120 years back and 50 years forward to current year.

Name Type Required Description Default
id string Yes The id of the date picker
label string No The label of the date picker
value node No The value of the date picker ""
onChange func No The callback function that is called when the date picker is changed
onFocus func No The callback function that is called when the date picker input is focused
onBlurFunction func No The callback function that is called when the date picker input is blurred
yearsBackNumber number No The number of years to go back from the current year 120
yearsForwardNumber number No The number of years to go forward from the current year 50
separator string No The separator between the day, month and year "/"
dateFormat string No The format of the date ("MMDDYYYY" or "DDMMYYYY") "MMDDYYYY"
firstDayOfTheWeek string No The date to be shown in the date picker ("Monday" or "Sunday") "Sunday"
previousButtonText string No The text of the previous button ""
nextButtonText string No The text of the next button ""
todayButtonText string No The text of the today button "Today"
labelClassName string No The class name of the label "form-label"
formatDateClassName string No The class name of formatDate helper "date-format"
dateClassName string No The class name of the date "date"
headerClassName string No The class name of the header table "header-day"
datePickerInputWrapperClassName string No The class name of the date picker input wrapper "date-picker-input-wrapper"
datePickerWrapperClassName string No The class name of the date picker wrapper "date-picker-wrapper"
datePickerClassName string No The class name of the date picker "date-picker"
datePickerNavWrapperClassName string No The class name of the nav wrapper "date-picker-nav-wrapper"
datePickerPreviousButtonClassName string No The class name of the previous button "prev"
datePickerTodayButtonClassName string No The class name of the today button "today"
datePickerNextButtonClassName string No The class name of the next button "next"
datePickerMonthDropdownWrapperClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown wrapper "label month-picker"
datePickerYearDropdownWrapperClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown wrapper "label year-picker"
calendarWrapperClassName string No The class name of the calendar wrapper "calendar"
calendarTableClassName string No The class name of the calendar table ""
calendarHeaderClassName string No The class name of the calendar header ""
calendarHeaderTrClassName string No The class name of the calendar header tr ""
calendarHeaderThClassName string No The class name of the calendar header th "header-day-wrapper"
calendarBodyClassName string No The class name of the calendar body ""
calendarBodyTrClassName string No The class name of the calendar body tr ""
calendarBodyTdClassName string No The class name of the calendar body td "date-wrapper"
calendarForbiddenClassName string No The class name of the forbidden days "forbidden-date"
calendarOtherMonthClassName string No The class name of the other month days "other-month"
calendarTodayClassName string No The class name of the today days "calendar-today"
calendarSelectedClassName string No The class name of the selected days "current-selection"
monthDropdownLabel string No the label of the month dropdown "Chose the month"
monthListLabel string No The label of the month list "Choose your month"
monthShowListLabel bool No The label of the short month list false
monthDropdownLabelClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown label "sr-only"
monthDropdownWrapperClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown wrapper "dropdown-wrapper"
monthDropdownButtonClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown button "dropdown-button"
monthDropdownIconClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown icon "dropdown-icon"
monthDropdownListWrapperClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown list wrapper "dropdown-list-wrapper"
monthDropdownOptionClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown option "dropdown-option"
monthDropdownOptionSelectedClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown option selected "current-selection"
monthDropdownListClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown list "dropdown-list"
monthDropdownListLabelClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown list li "label"
monthDropdownInputClassName string No The class name of the month dropdown input "dropdown-text"
yearDropdownLabel string No The label of the year dropdown "Chose the year"
yearListLabel string No The label of the year list "Choose your year"
yearShowListLabel bool No The label of the short year list false
yearDropdownLabelClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown label "sr-only"
yearDropdownWrapperClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown wrapper "dropdown-wrapper"
yearDropdownButtonClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown button "dropdown-button"
yearDropdownIconClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown icon "dropdown-icon"
yearDropdownListWrapperClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown list wrapper "dropdown-list-wrapper"
yearDropdownOptionClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown option "dropdown-option"
yearDropdownOptionSelectedClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown option selected "current-selection"
yearDropdownListClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown list "dropdown-list"
yearDropdownListLabelClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown list li "label"
yearDropdownInputClassName string No The class name of the year dropdown input "dropdown-text"
error string No The error message
maxLength number No The max length of the input 10
required bool No Whether the input is required false
requiredFeedbackEnabled bool No Whether the required feedback is enabled false
requiredFeedback string No The required feedback message "*"
inputClassName string No The class name of the dropdown input "form-control form-input"
inputWrapperClassName string No The class name of the input wrapper "form-group"
activeClassName string No The class name of the active state "active"
invalidClassName string No The class name of the invalid state "invalid"
errorClassName string No The class name of the error state "error"
requiredFeedbackClassName string No The class name of the required feedback "required"

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 29

  • The date picker component.


# inner getMonthName()

It takes a month number and returns the month name

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 547

The name of the month.

# inner handleChangeInput()

When user manually enters a something in input, check if it is valid date If true, update the states.

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 413

# inner handleDayClick()

When a day in calendar is clicked, the selected/showed date, day, month, and year states are set. Also the date picker is closed

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 510

# inner handleFocus()

If the onFocus prop is defined, call it with the event. Then open the date picker.

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 371

# inner handleNextMonth()

It increments the month by one, unless the month is December, in which case it increments the year by one and sets the month to January

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 474

# inner handleOnBlur()

When user blur the input, check if the date is valid If not valid, reset the date to the today date. If the onBlur prop is defined, call it with the date and id of the datePicker.

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 449

# inner handlePreviousMonth()

It decrements the month by one, unless the month is January in which case it decrements the year by one and sets the month to January

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 492

# inner isDateValid()

Checks if the date is valid and in the correct format Also the year must be within the min and max year

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 391

A boolean value.

# inner twoDigit()

It takes a number, if it is less than 10, it adds a 0 to the front of it.

View Source components/DatePicker/index.jsx, line 382

a string of two digits.