

<Input id label type value onChange onFocus onBlur addErrorElement maxLength required requiredFeedbackEnabled requiredFeedback readOnly error wrapperClassName labelClassName inputClassName activeClassName invalidClassName errorClassName requiredFeedbackClassName />


# <Input id label type value onChange onFocus onBlur addErrorElement maxLength required requiredFeedbackEnabled requiredFeedback readOnly error wrapperClassName labelClassName inputClassName activeClassName invalidClassName errorClassName requiredFeedbackClassName />

Function to add an input element with label and error message (can be disable).

Name Type Required Description Default
id string Yes The id of input.
label string No The label of input.
type string No The type of input. "text"
value node No The value of input.
onChange func No The callback function when input value is changed.
onFocus func No The callback function when input is focused.
onBlur func No The callback function when input is blurred.
addErrorElement bool No Whether to add an error element. true
maxLength number No The max length of input. 128
required bool No Whether the input is required. false
requiredFeedbackEnabled bool No Whether to add the required feedback. false
requiredFeedback string No The feedback to show if the input is required. "*"
readOnly bool No Whether the input is read only. false
error string No The error message of input.
wrapperClassName string No The class name of wrapper. "form-group"
labelClassName string No The class name of label. "form-label"
inputClassName string No The class name of input. "form-input"
activeClassName string No The class name of input when it is active. "active"
invalidClassName string No The class name of input when it is invalid. "invalid"
errorClassName string No The class name of input when it is error. "error"
requiredFeedbackClassName string No The class name of feedback when the input is required. "required"

View Source components/Input/index.jsx, line 15

  • The Input component.


# inner handleBlur()

If the onBlur prop is defined, call it with the event and the id. Then set the isFocused state to false

View Source components/Input/index.jsx, line 61

# inner handleChange()

If the onChange prop is defined, call it with the event.

View Source components/Input/index.jsx, line 51

# inner handleFocus()

If the onFocus prop is defined, call it with the event. Then set the isFocused state to true

View Source components/Input/index.jsx, line 81

# inner handleLabelClick()

On click on label, set the isFocused state to true

View Source components/Input/index.jsx, line 89