

Was made for a student projet for OpenClassrooms.

This library is a react component to render a table using two arrays of objects.

The table can be sorted, filtered (using a search input), paginated and the number of row can be change (all can be disable).


Run the following command:

# If you use npm:
npm install react-ab-data-table

# If you use yarn:
yarn add react-ab-data-table


import { DataTable } from "react-ab-data-table";

const App = () => {
	const columns = [
		{ name: "First Name", id: "firstName", sortable: true },
		{ name: "Last Name", id: "lastName", sortable: true },
		{ name: "City", id: "city", sortable: true },
		{ name: "Birthday", id: "birthday", sortable: true },

	const data = [
		{ firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", city: "New York", birthday: "1980-01-02" },
		{ firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", city: "Los Angeles", birthday: "1985-02-14" },
		{ firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith", city: "Chicago", birthday: "1970-11-22" },
		{ firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Smith", city: "Houston", birthday: "1975-09-30" },

	return (
			<DataTable columns={columns} data={data} tableId="employee" sortId="lastName" />

Columns array

This array is use to render the head columns

  • name: the name of the column displayed in the table header
  • id: the id of the column
  • sortable: boolean, if the column is sortable
  • headColSpan: size of the column in the header bodyColSpan: size of the column in the body

Data array

This array must contain the data of the table, every object will be a row.

The key must be the id of the column and the value will be the data in the row/column.

Props list

Name Type Required Description Default
data arrayOf Yes The data to be displayed in the table
columns arrayOf Yes The columns to be displayed in the table
tableId string Yes The id of the table
sortId string No The id of the column to be sorted function()
itemsPerPageOptions array No The options for the items per page dropdown [10, 25, 50, 100]
itemsPerPageSelectionEnabled bool No Whether the items per page dropdown should be enabled true
searchEnabled bool No Whether the search input should be enabled true
sortSelectionEnabled bool No Whether the sort dropdown should be enabled true
tableInfoEnabled bool No Whether the table info should be enabled true
paginationEnabled bool No Whether the pagination should be enabled true
dataTablesWrapperClassName string No The class name of the wrapper div "data-tables-wrapper"
dataTablesLengthClassName string No The class name of the length div "data-tables-length"
dataTablesLengthLabelClassName string No The class name of the length label "data-tables-length-label"
dataTablesLengthSelectClassName string No The class name of the length select "data-tables-length-select"
dataTablesLengthOptionClassName string No The class name of the length options "data-tables-length-option"
dataTablesSearchWrapperClassName string No The class name of the search wrapper div "data-tables-search-wrapper"
dataTablesSearchLabelClassName string No The class name of the search label "form-label"
dataTablesSearchInputClassName string No The class name of the search input "form-input"
dataTablesInfoClassName string No The class name of the info div "data-tables-info"
dataTablesPaginateClassName string No The class name of the paginate div "data-tables-paginate"
dataTableClassName string No The class name of the table "data-table"
dataTableHeaderClassName string No The class name of the table header "data-table-header"
dataTableHeaderTrClassName string No The class name of the table header tr "data-table-header-tr"
dataTableHeaderThClassName string No The class name of the table header th "data-table-header-th"
dataTableHeaderSortedClassName string No The class name of the table header th sorted "sorting"
dataTableBodyClassName string No The class name of the table body "data-table-body"
dataTableBodyTrClassName string No The class name of the table body tr "data-table-body-tr"
dataTableBodyTdClassName string No The class name of the table body td "data-table-body-td"
dataTableBodyTdSortedClassName string No The class name of the table body td sorted "sorting_1"
dataTableBodyTdEmptyClassName string No The class name of the table body td empty "data-tables-empty"
dataTableBodyOddRowClassName string No The class name of the table body tr odd "odd"
dataTableBodyEvenRowClassName string No The class name of the table body tr even "even"


Arthur Blanc : GitHub - Portfolio